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Media voices

Handelszeitung, April 5, 2017

Blacksocks follows in the footsteps of Amazon

The Swiss e-commerce company Blacksocks is launching the "Dash Button". Like the US giant Amazon, consumers will be able to order goods at home at the touch of a button.

SRF ECO, November 28, 2016

Cut-throat competition in the clothing market

Online retailers are putting traditional retailers under pressure.

Die Weltwoche, April 24, 2016

A conversation with the sock dealer

You've said that socks are the most boring product - yet you spend part of your professional life making them." - "We haven't reinvented socks - they've always had two holes at the top - but we've redefined the man-sock interface. And with our subscription, we've been able to take the boring product off the man's radar.

Bieler Tagblatt, April 15, 2016

"Shopping for socks will never be fun"

Socks have been available by online subscription for almost 20 years - and the brand Blacksocks has even made it into the museum.

Finance and Economy, March 31, 2016

Not a lame sock at all

The founder of BLACKSOCKS dared a lot and won a lot. He invented the sock subscription and is one of Switzerland's e-commerce pioneers. - December 14, 2015

Blacksocks Plus+ Smart Socks

Do you need smart socks? Probably not. But answer us this: have you ever mispaired socks that looked almost the same but are actually (maddeningly) slightly different?

Economy Week, November 7, 2014

"Men are too lazy to buy socks"

When in 1999 BLACKSOCKS was founded, many people thought it was a crazy idea: black socks as an annual subscription. In 2008, the company sold its millionth sock.

Die Zeit Online, July 10, 2014

Mr. Hibbe closes down

Tean is located in a loft that used to be a lamp factory. Dark parquet flooring, high ceilings, designer lamps in orange. A few books on a shelf: Dressing the Man, Website Boosting, About Good Web Design, Market Research from A-Z. Lake Zurich glistens in the valley below, streetcars scrape past on the shore.

315,000 visitors to his homepage between January and May, 44 percent more than a year ago. 102,000 visitors from Germany alone - up 260 percent. "Traffic is performing well," says the founder. "Traffic is the mother of sales."

BLICK, Switzerland - April 16, 2014

The foot of Switzerland!

Philipp Fankhauser doesn't knock much out of his socks. So now he's making his own. (Image montage) ZURICH - Is his career on "The Voice" already getting on his nerves? Or does he need a new foothold, nota bene a colorful one? Musician Philipp Fankhauser (50) is teaming up with "Blacksock" founder Samy Liechti and launching his own sock line "Funky Socks".

Corriere della Sera, October 11, 2013

Calze pulite? In Italia un po' meno

The Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera compares the frequency with which Italians and Germans change their socks.

BILD, Germany - September 24, 2012

Smartphone now even helps with sorting socks

The Swiss sock subscription service BLACKSOCKS now offers "Smarter Socks", the world's first smart socks - with an integrated RFID chip! There is also an iPhone app and the "Sock Sorter" reader, which can be used to analyze the chips. The point of it all: Finally sorting socks the men's way...

Mail Online, UK - September 24, 2012

No more odd socks! New iPhone app sorts your socks using microchip technology

Rushing to get ready for that meeting but just can't find that matching sock? You never have to panic again, because now there is an app for that. Swiss company Blacksocks have launched the world's first 'Smarter Socks' app for iPhone which can be used to reunite lost socks with their partners.

Tages-Anzeiger, January 3, 2012

Which men buy their own socks

Buying socks is a nuisance. For the Swiss, Austrians and British, according to a survey by BLACKSOCKS so much so that they often delegate this task to their wife or even their mother.

Süddeutsche Zeitung - October 14, 2011

The spotlight

The Swiss sock company BLACKSOCKS has conducted a survey on sock behavior. The Germans present an impeccable picture. They have quite a lot of socks and change them regularly.

New York Times, July 29, 2010

BLACKSOCKS at the New York Times in TechTalk

Interview with company founder Samy Liechti in the New York Times Tech Talk. The interview is available as a podcast or directly on the website.

K-Tipp: Test winner & top score - February 12, 2008

Sock tests

In February 2008, K-Tipp tested 12 men's socks. The test winner is the calf sock from BLACKSOCKS.

Test winner: calf sock

SF1 10vor10, Switzerland - April 27, 2005

Innovative business idea

Black socks with an annual subscription. This idea was successfully implemented by entrepreneur Samuel Liechti six years ago. Now the company "Blacksocks" from Zurich is the only European company to be nominated for the so-called "Copernican Award", which honors innovative business ideas.


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